


  1. Gather a variety of different colored beans, such as red, yellow, green, blue, and black beans.
  2. Prepare a tray or container with a shallow depth of water.
  3. Arrange the colored beans in a way that represents the different water depths.
  4. Observe and record your observations.


  • Notice the different colors of the beans in relation to the water depth.
  • How does the color of the bean relate to the depth of the water it is representing?
  • What other factors might affect the color of the beans?


  • Summarize your observations and conclusions about the relationship between color and water depth.
  • Discuss how this method can be used to teach about water depth and the properties of different materials.

Additional Tips:

  • You can use different sizes and shapes of beans to represent different water depths.
  • You can also use different materials, such as rice or beads, to create a more realistic simulation.
  • Experiment with different arrangements of the beans to see how it affects the results.