


  1. Collect a variety of different shaped beans, such as kidney beans, heart beans, bean sprouts, and other small, round objects.
  2. Prepare a tray or container with a shallow depth of water.
  3. Arrange the different shaped beans in the water, making sure that each type of bean is represented by at least two different objects.
  4. Observe the beans and record your observations.


  • Describe the shape of each bean and how it affects its ability to float or sink.
  • How does the shape of each bean affect the way it moves through the water?
  • What is the relationship between the shape of a bean and its ability to carry water?


  • Summarize your findings and draw conclusions about the relationship between shape and function in water flow.


  • Use a variety of sizes and shapes of beans to create a more interesting and visually appealing display.
  • Experiment with different water depths to see how it affects the movement of the beans.
  • Use a camera or video recorder to capture your observations and share them with others.